To begin with I am carrying forward the reading list that was on the ASDC website except that on this site I am giving first place to Fr Tim Buckley's amazing book "What Binds Marriage". The bookk page on the old site attracted 30 - 40 visits a month so I hope that record will continue on this website. Do let me know if you visit it, whether you found it useful and especially if you know of any publications that could usefully be added to it. You can do this by visiting the Guest Book page and leaving a message or by emailing

Most Recently Published

I heard recently that a member of the former Milton Keanes ASDC Group has published a book entitled "Breaking Free - Me and You stepping into God's Love" with the subtitle "Poetic Conversations with God by Jo Doherty". The ISBN Number is 978 1 903623 93 0 and I got it from Amazon for £8.99 + Postage.

Adult Books

"What Binds Marriage" by Fr Tim Buckley CSsR. This book was first published in1997 based on research commissioned by the England/Wales hierarchy and a second revised and expanded  edition is still available from several suppliers on the i nternet. Just Google "What Binds Marriage". In the links that come up you will see some well deserved praise for thei wonderful book.



No Way Out? - Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried

- Bernard Haring


Divorce & Second Marriage - Facing the Challenge

- Kevin T Kelly


When Divorce Happens - A Guide for Family and Friends

- James Greteman


Couples Parting - How to Find the Good in Goodbye

- Tony Gough


More Stories That Heal

- Michael Buckley


Praying Our Goodbyes - The Spirituality of Change

- Joyce Rupp


God Sex & Love

- Jack Dominian / Hugh Montefiore


The Pain and the Possibility - Divorce & Separation Among Catholics

- Paula Ripple


What's the Point? - Finding Answers to Life's Questions

- Norman Warren Henriques


Finding Forgiveness - Personal and Spiritual Perspectives

- Jim McManus / Stephanie Thornton


Surviving the Storm - Finding God in the Midst of a Marriage Breakdown

- Wendy Foxhall


Catholics Experiencing Divorce - Grieving, Healing and Learning to Live Again

- Vicki Wells-Bedard / William E. Rabior


Female perception of the annulment of marriage in the catholic church

- Dr William Naylor


At the ASDC National Committee meeting held on 11 October 2008 the library then held by the Association was reviewed, old and outdated books were removed from the library and the books listed above were retained. The books listed have been read by at least one of former members of the ASDC and may be  still relevant to separated and divorced catholics nowadays.


Not all the books may be relevant to the stage you are at. You may wish to re-read some of them at a later stage.


Another booklet not held in the ASDC Library is "Heartfelt Prayers for the separated and divorced." I heard in 2015 that it was likely to be published but I have not had confirmation that this has happened yet.

Children's Books

Everybody Feels Happy

- Jane Bingham

Everybody Feels Scared

- Jane Bingham

Everybody Feels Sad

- Jane Bingham

Everybody Feels Angry

- Jane Bingham

Sad Book

- Michael Rosen

Where Has Daddy Gone?

- Trudy Osman/Joanna Carey