Welcome to this new site being created for separated/divorced Catholics towards the end of 2015. In October 2015 the Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics decided to cease operating in England and Wales so their website "asdcengland.org.uk" will no longer be maintained and I hope that this new website will provide opportunities for Catholics who have experienced or are still experiencing the traumas of marital breakdown will find some useful information and also a site where they can communicate and share their experiences with one another.


I intend some of the new site to replicate information contained on the old site. I will try to keep up with publications relevant to my users and I will welcome the input of visitors to the site in doing this.


Please visit the guest book to let me have your views.  Messages left will not be available for public viewing until I have monitored and approved them.  This precaution was necessary after traumatic experiences with an unmonitored guest book on the old website and any scurrilous messages such as were left there will be deleted on this site and will never see the light of day.


In time I hope to have a dozen or more pages for you to visit and will appreciate your patience whilst I build them up. I expect much of the information contained on the ASDC website will appear here again but now without the support of a national regitered charity. This means that this website will belong to you who visit it and I look forward to your input as time goes on